MD Notepad

What it is

Many times (like during a meeting), I will need to write something down or take notes. It takes too long to create a new file on Word and I can’t use Google Docs for work stuff.

I fell in love with the Markdown New Tab Chrome extension, but I wanted support for multiple files, easier export, etc.

Firing up VS Code and taking notes in markdown is nice, but again, finding a separate application takes a while. Plus, I usually have 3 instances of VS Code open anyway so finding it is harder and having an IDE for taking notes seems overkill.

So I built MD Notepad. It’s a web app for taking and managing notes in Markdown. Side by side realtime preview, light and dark mode, keeps a list of files, and uses your browser’s local storage so your notes are never sent to the cloud.

How it works

This is a static site written in Jekyll and using Vue for the client side JS. I use Remarkable for the markdown rendering and Ace editor for the text.

You can check out the source code here.


After I wrote this, VS Code released an online version of its editor that runs in your browser with similar functionality. You can access it at